Nor-Shipping 2023

Discover sustainable water solutions for marine by GF Piping Systems at Nor-Shipping 2023 from June 6 - 9 at Nova Spektrum, Lillestrøm (NO).

Sustainable water solutions for Marine

At Nor-Shipping, you will learn from our dedicated marine experts how GF Piping Systems' lightweight and corrosion-free piping systems help shipbuilders, owners, and operators to reduce the environmental impact of cruise ships, merchant vessels, and offshore energy platforms by choosing alternative piping materials.

Highlights at booth #D01-08

From ballast water distribution, engine cooling, potable water, or cabin air conditioning - thermoplastics are a more sustainable alternative for water and chemical transport on board than metal for a wide range of applications.

At our booth #D01-08, you will find out more about the wide range of lightweight, corrosion-free piping system material and their application possibilities.


Meet the Experts

With our global presence and dedicated marine specialists with year-long experience supporting customers switching from metal piping solutions to thermoplastic piping systems, we help our customers at every project step, from planning to commissioning. Meet us at Nor-Shipping 2023, and don't miss the opportunity to speak to our local and global marine experts. 



Roberto Chiesa

Head of Business Development Marine

Georg Fischer S.p.A.

Via Eugenio Villoresi 2-4

20864 Agrate Brianza
