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October 7, 9 AM - 10 AM CEST and 5 PM - 6 PM CEST

Title of the Webinar

Additional Info to the Webinar

  •  Applications of HDPE products in big dimensions and its added values 
  • Case study: Trenchless laying in HDPE & how to minimize utility risks with the Ultrasonic NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) - by FARYS Water Utility company in Belgium 
  • Q&A 

Don't miss the insider view of how @FARYS used GF Piping System's HDPE solutions in combination with trenchless laying and Ultrasonic Non-destructive testing minimized risks and leakages for their water distribution network.


Debora Metzger

Project Manager Exhibitions

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen
