Climate & Resources

The Climate & Resources pillar of GF's Sustainability Framework 2025 aims at decoupling resource consumption from growth and includes targets for emission reductions (Scope 1 and 2) approved by SBTi (Science-based Targets initiative) as well as targets for sustainably managing resources and waste.

GF Piping Systems contributes to these targets by reducing Scope 1 and 2 CO₂e emissions in its own operations, by reducing waste production and water usage during operations, by using innovative solutions for recycling and packaging, and by ensuring sustainable practices throughout the entire supply chain.

Sustainable Operations

Key actions to ensure our operations are sustainable include reducing carbon emissions as well as water and waste intensity and performing sustainability assessments with our suppliers.

Emission Reductions

Our primary focus in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our operations is increasing energy efficiency. We achieve this through modern machinery and continuous process improvements. Using renewable instead of fossil energy sources further contributes to lowering the carbon footprint from our operations.

Electricity makes up around 50% of the total energy consumption at GF Piping Systems and is thus an important lever to reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions. We purchase certified renewable electricity and generate our own renewable electricity. In 2023, around 30% of the total electricity we consumed stemmed from renewable sources. We will continuously increase this share in the future.

Water Stewardship

As part of our sustainability strategy, we aim to reduce our water intensity in high-stress areas by 20%. To achieve this target we implement efficient water management practices minimizing usage and wastage, such as rainwater collection, water reuse and awareness campaigns among employees.

Waste and Recycling

Wherever technically and economically feasible, GF Piping Systems recycles production scrap and waste. Where quality and regulatory standards allow, we mix scrap with virgin raw materials to maximize resource efficiency and decrease reliance on virgin materials. Overall, more than half of the waste we generate is being recycled.

Distribution and Packaging

We collaborate with carriers to optimize transportation routes and frequency of deliveries. To manage transportation of our finished products, we track tonnage, distances, and transportation modes. We continuously aim to replace carbon-intensive transportation with lower-emission alternatives. Throughout GF Piping Systems, various initiatives have been implemented and are underway to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and increase ease of use for customers.

Operation Clean Sweep

GF Piping Systems is a member of Operation Clean Sweep. By joining the initiative, we aim to achieve zero plastic pellet loss by sharing and implementing best practices across our operations.

Certified Management Systems

The operations of GF Piping Systems are certified according to ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 management systems. In addition, a selection of sites is certified according to ISO 50001 as well.

In 2023, renewable energy supplied 30% of our electricity

We are committed to boosting that number even higher in the years ahead.

Responsibility along the Supply Chain

Ensuring our customers can have full confidence in our products begins long before production – from materials sourcing to supplier rating, we assess our supply chain and regularly conduct due diligence.

Supplier Assessments

We expect our suppliers to uphold the same standards for environmental stewardship and social responsibility as we do ourselves. To this end, we use supplier sustainability assessments and, where necessary, corrective action plans to reduce the CO₂ footprint and increase awareness of supply chain responsibility. Where no change is possible, GF Piping Systems looks for alternative suppliers.


EcoVadis is a leading sustainability rating that assesses companies in the areas environment, ethics, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement. GF consults ratings of its suppliers, and undertakes the assessment itself to support stakeholders in making informed choices.

Conflict Minerals, REACH, RoHS and other Regulations

GF Piping Systems is committed to ensuring compliance with laws and regulations that minimize negative impacts on health and safety of customers, as well as on the environment. We regularly conduct due diligence and disclose information about our minerals supply chain and promote responsible minerals sourcing globally. We comply with the EU REACH (registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals) framework and adhere to the RoHS (restriction of hazardous substances) directive.


Where can I learn more about GF's science-based targets and the net zero commitment letter submitted by GF?

Developed using the Science-based targets initiative (SBTi) criteria and recommendations, GF's Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission reduction targets draw on the latest climate science for limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Increasing its ambition, GF submitted a net-zero commitment letter that has been validated by the SBTi in April 2024. From the base year 2019, the company pledges to reduce emissions from all scopes by at least 90% until 2050, and remove any remaining, unavoidable emissions. The science-based targets are part of the "Climate & Resources" pillar of GF's Sustainability Framework 2025

More information about GF's net zero commitment can be found in this press release

Where can I find out more about the initiatives from GF Piping Systems to reduce emissions, conserve water, and recycle waste?

You can learn more about the climate and resources initiatives on this page.

What initiatives does GF Piping Systems pursue to reduce the environmental impacts of logistics processes and packaging?

We collaborate with carriers to optimize transportation routes and frequency of deliveries. To manage transportation of our finished products, we track tonnage, distances, and transportation modes. We continuously aim to replace carbon-intensive transportation with lower-emission alternatives. Throughout GF Piping Systems, various initiatives have been implemented and are underway to reduce the environmental impact of packaging, for example by removing plastic foam packaging with a cardboard alternative.

How does GF Piping Systems ensure its high standards regarding sustainability are upheld in the supply chain?

As part of its sustainability strategy, we aim to ensure at least 80% of our procurement spend are covered with a tailored assessment. In case of non-compliance, we initiate corrective actions. Further, as part of our ethical business practices, we have our business partners sign a code of conduct detailing our expectations on topics such as human and labor rights, anti-corruption as well as the environment.

Georg Fischer LLC - Irvine, CA / Industrial Group Americas

9271 Jeronimo Road

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