Australian winery cooling system build completed quickly with pre-insulated piping

4/19/21 - 11:00 PM (Pacific Time)

In late 2019, Zonzo Estate’s wine label in Yarra Valley, Australia, started to build a winery. With a tight deadline of the next vintage production, GF Piping Systems’ pre-insulated, energy efficient and more sustainable COOL-FIT 4.0 piping system was chosen for the wine production cooling circuit and COOL-FIT 2.0 for comfort cooling and heating for the whole facility to bring friends the best drop possible.

Perseverance and devotion to restore the Estate’s rich winemaking past has led to Zonzo’s production of premium wines including Yarra Valley’s famous Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. The project timescale was tight: all equipment had to be fully installed and commissioned in time for the same year's wine harvest so that it could be used to produce the 2020 vintage.


The cooling circuit, custom designed for the project, uses a mixture of glycol and water, circulating at a temperature of –5°C and 4 bar of pressure and is supported by 200 kW of chiller capacity. The glycol circuit is the main pipe run for the winery production for white and red wine.


This was the first time that the latest-generation pre-insulated piping technology COOL-FIT 4.0 had been selected for installation in a winery anywhere in the world. Zonzo Estate explains: “We chose this refrigeration piping not only for its clean-line industrial aesthetic, but also its incredible energy efficiency. There is minimal heat transfer and energy loss due to the pre-insulated piping.” Despite changes in the bill of materials after the project had started, the speed and ease of installation of the piping system, combined with the training and on-site technical support provided by GF Piping Systems Australia got the project done.


Now that the new facility is up and running, the full benefits of Zonzo Estate’s careful approach to equipment design and selection will start to become apparent: an array of challenges, such as a tight construction timescale, stringent technical requirements, and the need to minimize the environmental footprint, was overcome thanks to the right products being chosen at the outset.


"Pre-insulated plastic piping technology, with its combination of reliable, corrosion-free components and excellent energy performance, is an important link in the chain of high-quality systems and components designed to ensure the success of this more sustainable new winery," says Daniel Dossenbach, Head of Pre-Insulated Systems at GF Piping Systems.


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Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


About GF Piping Systems   

GF Piping Systems is the leading flow solutions provider worldwide, enabling the safe and sustainable transport of fluids. The company specializes in plastic piping systems and system solutions plus services in all project phases. GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2020, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 1.708 bn and employed 6'893 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, which was founded in 1802, and is headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.