CONNECT Store Registration

Modern - easy - convenient

We are excited that you are here! Thank you for your interest in GF!

Entry to the CONNECT Store, grants you access to many useful features and functionalities.

As one of our exclusive online partners, the portal provides an overview with always up-to-date conditions and your extended pricing. Additionally, you have access to the latest product availabilities, most recent order status' and much more.

And on top, you can order whenever and wherever you want! That's right you can arrange and place your orders independently!


Ready to start?! Please complete the form below and send us your request! Not sure if your company is an authorized GF distributor or customer, we are happy to check. Just complete the same form below and we will be back in touch soon!

Please note that access to the CONNECT Store is exclusively reserved to our selected online partners. We appreciate your understanding.

Registration Form

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Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


GF logo on the headquarters building