
GF Piping Systems is committed to enabling the safe and sustainable transport of water, gas and chemicals. Only by considering the needs of all key stakeholders can the company, the planet, and society at large thrive in the long term. Find out more about our contribution to sustainable development below.

Sustainability strategy

Our sustainability framework 2025 consists of three focus areas with long-term ambitions and targets covering economic, environmental, and social aspects. They include a science-based target (SBT) for reducing CO₂e emissions by 21% by 2025. The framework is fully integrated into the GF strategy 2025.


Innovate products and solutions for a sustainable lifecycle

Product portfolio

70% of sales with social or environmental benefits


100% of innovations in products and solutions deliver sustainability improvements
Good Health and Well-being
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action

& resources

Decouple resource consumption from growth

SBT CO2e emissions

Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 30% by 2026

Reduce scope 3 CO2e emissions by 34.6% per tonne of processed material and use of sold products by 2030


Reduce water intensity by 20% in high-stress areas


Reduce waste intensity by 20% sent to landfill or incineration

Supply chain

Perform sustainability assessments for 80% of procurement spend
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Partnerships for the Goals

& well-being

Pursue a diverse, engaging and safe work place

Diversity and inclusion

25% of newly appointed managers are women

Employee engagement

At least 80% recommend GF as an employer of choice

Health and safety

Reduce accident rate by 30%
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent Work & Economic Growth

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GF, Thema Easy Flow, Wasserwerk Birkenfeld, 26.08.21. Foto: Andreas Reeg Photography,,, phone +49 171 544 92 47.


Sustainable innovation

Throughout the innovation process, GF Piping Systems utilizes a sustainability assessment to evaluate and continuously improve the sustainability profile of all projects. 

This includes assessing their potential for the circular economy. Furthermore, we evaluate new, more circular business models and already operate a pool of rental machines and tools available to our customers.


Several of our products help clients to fulfill requirements for building standards and certifications such as LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, and Minergie.

Product impact assessments

GF Piping Systems calculates and supports the calculation of life cycle assessments (LCAs) and environmental product declarations (EPDs) to assess the environmental impact of products and solutions along their life cycle. Find the studies here.

Product highlights

Check out some of our highlight products:

  • Reducing water losses with NeoFlow
  • Increasing energy efficiency with COOL-FIT
  • Securing drinking water with Hycleen

Find out more about how we tackle sustainability challenges for life here.

finger pointing


Bio-based materials

We have launched our first products with up to 20% bio-based PVC obtained from tall oil, a waste stream from the paper industry. Further products and polymer groups will follow.

Find out more about our bio-attributed PVC products here.

Conflict minerals

Extraction of certain raw materials, notably tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold, known as conflict minerals, involves potential social and environmental risks. For this reason, GF Piping Systems follows the recommendations of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). By regularly disclosing transparent information about our minerals supply chain and encouraging our suppliers to do the same, we promote responsible minerals sourcing globally.

Supply chain collaboration

GF Piping Systems uses supplier sustainability assessments and, where necessary, corrective action plans to reduce the CO₂ footprint and increase awareness of supply chain responsibility. Where no change is possible, GF Piping Systems looks for alternative suppliers.


EcoVadis is a leading sustainability rating that assesses companies in the areas environment, ethics, labor & human rights, and sustainable procurement. GF Piping Systems consults ratings of its suppliers, and undertakes the assessment itself to support stakeholders in making informed choices.

GF Piping Systems, Epe, The Netherlands


Management systems

The operations of GF Piping Systems are certified according to ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 management systems. In addition, a selection of sites is certified according to ISO 50001 as well.

Science-based target

Developed using SBTi criteria and recommendations, GF's scope 1 and 2 target will draw on the latest climate science for limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Although scope 3 emissions are indirect to GF's operations, the company will set an intensity target in cooperation with suppliers and customers.

Renewable electricity

Electricity makes up around 50% of total energy consumption at GF Piping Systems and is thus an important lever to reduce operational GHG emissions. We purchase certified renewable electricity and generate our own renewable electricity. In 2021, around 20% of the total electricity we consumed stemmed from renewable sources. We will continuously increase this share in the future.


Wherever technically and economically feasible, GF Piping Systems recycles production scrap and waste. Where quality and regulatory standards allow, we mix scrap with virgin raw materials to maximize resource efficiency and capture material value. Overall, more than half of the waste we generate is being recycled.

Operation Clean Sweep

GF Piping Systems is a member of Operation Clean Sweep. By joining the initiative, we aim to achieve zero plastic pellet loss by sharing and implementing best practices across our operations.

Health and safety

At GF Piping Systems safety is a priority. As part of the GF Sustainability Framework 2025, we are committed to reducing the accident rate by 30%. We will achieve this target by implementing accredited safety standards and management systems, as well as conducting safety trainings and campaigns. We will also carry out internal and external safety audits, thorough accident reporting, and sharing best-practices across production locations.




We collaborate with carriers to optimize transportation routes and frequency of deliveries. To manage transportation of our finished products, we track tonnage, distances and transportation modes. We aim to replace carbon-intensive transportation with lower-emission alternatives and are working on a CO₂ emissions reduction target for our outbound transports.


Throughout GF Piping Systems, various initiatives have been implemented and are underway to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and increase ease of use for customers. 

Video series - Everything is connected

More information

Hands protecting globe of green tree on tropical nature summer background, Ecology and Environment concept Hands protecting globe of green tree on tropical nature summer background, Ecology and Environment concept, Hands protecting globe of green tree on tropical nature summer b

Product LCAs and EPDs

Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) are a science-based tool used to evaluate a product's environmental performance over its complete life cycle. LCAs serve as basis for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). EPDs are third-party verified statements providing information about the environmental performance of a product or system.

Sustainability at GF

GF is a globally active and diversified industrial Corporation. It complies fully with all relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdictions of its operations and upholds all relevant international standards.

GF Sustainability Report 2023

The comprehensive GF sustainability report provides key figures, a Sustainability Framework 2025 progress overview as well as ESG and product portfolio highlights

Georg Fischer Piping Systems (Switzerland) Ltd. - GF International

Amsler-Laffon-Strasse 9

8200 Schaffhausen


GF logo on the headquarters building