Prefabricated solutions by GF Piping Systems enable an efficient ship conversion for sand mining

23-11-21 - 06 h 00 (heure du Pacifique)

Sand is an essential raw material for many industries and is used for concrete and asphalt production. Therefore, companies like Van Ouwerkerk BV have specialized in mining sand throughout extraction sites in the North Sea. The Dutch company’s latest addition to its fleet, the MS Zeeburg, uses the polyethylene solution ecoFIT by GF Piping Systems to provide long-lasting and corrosion-free jet lines for the dredging system. 

After acquiring the MS Bente, a cargo vessel with a length of 90 meters, Van Ouwerkerk commissioned her conversion into the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) MS Zeeburg. Extensive work was necessary, including hull modifications, enlarging the aft accommodations and, most importantly, installing the necessary dredging equipment. During the project, Van Koeveringe Kunststoffen was tasked with providing piping for the dredging system and decided to implement an HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) solution by GF Piping Systems for the new jet lines. Jet lines are used to inject water into the sand in order to loosen it prior to mining. This process is also necessary to later transfer the sand from the ship’s hold to an inland barge.


After equipping more than twenty ships with solutions by GF Piping Systems, Van Koeveringe Kunststoffen was able to quickly prefabricate various pipe sections, including custom parts for the tight spaces on board.   In total, the company installed about 750 meters of HDPE ecoFIT pipes and covered dimensions from d63 to d355. ecoFIT now provides a number of important benefits for the mining company Van Ouwerkerk BV: As jet lines are constantly in contact with seawater, the HDPE pipes provide the necessary corrosion and temperature-resistance, allowing the MS Zeeburg to mine sand and seashells with a dredging system that is lightweight, long-lasting, and cost-effective. Throughout the project, GF Piping Systems supported Van Koeveringe Kunststoffen with technical support in areas such as bracket spacing and certification requirements.


ecoFIT is a lightweight polyethylene piping system designed to transport water and other media, and is corrosion-free as well as UV, weather, and abrasion-resistant. As a result, it is suitable for temperature ranges between -50 °C to 60 °C and has a service life of over 25 years, even in harsh environments. 

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


A propos de GF Piping Systems   
GF Piping Systems, en tant que fournisseur leader de solutions de tuyauterie pour le transport sûr et durable des fluides, crée des connexions pour la vie "connections for life". GF Piping Systems se concentre sur des systèmes fiables et sans fuite à la pointe de l'industrie pour de nombreux segments de marché exigeants. La priorité donnée à l'orientation client et à l'innovation se reflète dans sa présence mondiale en terme de vente, de service et de production ainsi que dans ses gammes de produits primées comprenant des raccords, des vannes, des tubes, des technologies d'automatisation, de fabrication et d'assemblage.

GF Piping Systems dispose de ses propres sociétés de vente dans 31 pays et est donc toujours aux côtés de ses clients. Les sites de production répartis sur 36 sites en Amérique, en Europe et en Asie assurent une disponibilité suffisante et une livraison rapide et fiable. En 2022, GF Piping Systems a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 2'180 millions de francs suisses et employait 8'085 personnes. GF Piping Systems est une division de Georg Fischer AG, fondée en 1802 et dont le siège social se trouve à Schaffhausen, en Suisse.