Operational safety for life - GF Piping Systems presents the new PEcut 1200 cutting tool

22-12-08 - 03 h 00 (heure du Pacifique)

To address the challenging conditions of installers, the Swiss flow solutions provider has introduced a cutting tool that saves time and costs while increasing safety. 

As an expert in plastic piping components, GF Piping Systems strives to offer solutions that are not only long-lasting and efficient but also quick and easy to install. However, this can only be achieved with installation tools that are precise, intuitive, and safe. As a result, GF Piping Systems has partnered with TRUMPF, a company that successfully develops and produces power tools for the worldwide industrial and construction sectors, to introduce PEcut 1200.


PEcut 1200 is designed to be a comprehensive solution for installing polyethylene distribution and cooling systems such as ELGEF Plus, ecoFIT, and COOL-FIT. It features a guiding system with a cross-dimensional tensioning belt that positions the saw unit at a 90° cutting angle, allowing it to be precisely positioned around the circumference of the pipe. Combined with a two-handed starting system, snap-on locking system, and additional safety sensors, the cutting tool ensures a safe and easy operation, even in challenging work environments. As the chain and blade do not require any oil, the saw unit eliminates the contamination of the subsequent welding zone, leading to improved pipe connections. Additionally, PEcut 1200 reduces costs as it serves as an all-in-one solution for pipe dimensions from d250 to 1200mm and wall thicknesses from 10mm to 180mm. The easy on-site handling due to the lightweight of the components - less than 5 kg in total - is convincing and facilitates positioning even in hard-to-reach places in the trench or roof-top. Battery-powered operation enables electricity on remote sites and guarantees that there are no cables close to the blade while operating.


Attila Mehes, Head of CoC Product Management Utility at GF Piping Systems sees the new cutting tool as an essential addition to the company’s product range. “Piping Systems can only reach their full potential when they are installed correctly. With PEcut 1200, we offer a flexible, compact, and lightweight solution, enabling easy installation and, most importantly, operational safety for life.”


Read more about the new PEcut 1200.

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


A propos de GF Piping Systems   
GF Piping Systems, en tant que fournisseur leader de solutions de tuyauterie pour le transport sûr et durable des fluides, crée des connexions pour la vie "connections for life". GF Piping Systems se concentre sur des systèmes fiables et sans fuite à la pointe de l'industrie pour de nombreux segments de marché exigeants. La priorité donnée à l'orientation client et à l'innovation se reflète dans sa présence mondiale en terme de vente, de service et de production ainsi que dans ses gammes de produits primées comprenant des raccords, des vannes, des tubes, des technologies d'automatisation, de fabrication et d'assemblage.

GF Piping Systems dispose de ses propres sociétés de vente dans 31 pays et est donc toujours aux côtés de ses clients. Les sites de production répartis sur 36 sites en Amérique, en Europe et en Asie assurent une disponibilité suffisante et une livraison rapide et fiable. En 2021, GF Piping Systems a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 1,971 milliard de francs suisses et employait 7 686 personnes. GF Piping Systems est une division de Georg Fischer AG, fondée en 1802 et dont le siège social se trouve à Schaffhausen, en Suisse.