GF Piping Systems to improve supply chain sustainability with Prewave

19/12/2023 - 06:00 (Horário de Brasília)

To monitor and reduce sustainability risks affecting its supply chain, GF Piping Systems – the global flow solutions provider – has signed a contract with Prewave. The company provides predictive risk alerts using artificial intelligence (AI), to ensure their customers are compliant with supply chain due diligence law, regulated by the European Union (EU) in June 2023.

As of 1 January 2024, GF Piping Systems will enter a contract with Austrian supplier monitoring provider Prewave to better evaluate and mitigate sustainability risk in its supply chain. The innovative application provider searches for, screens and evaluates suppliers using AI and provides risk alerts on sustainability in over 50 categories.


The global flow solutions provider, GF Piping Systems, is headquartered in Switzerland, with sales companies in 31 companies and over 8’000 employees worldwide. The support of the specialized provider Prewave will ensure GF Piping Systems performs due diligence according to the new European Supply Chain Act, which was passed in June 2023 and allows a transition period of five years.


The new law requires EU companies to carefully manage social and environmental impacts along their entire value chain, including direct and indirect suppliers, their own operations, as well as products and services. The aim is to ensure compliance with applicable human rights standards and environmental protection, in order to promote a fair and sustainable global economy, as well as responsible corporate governance. 


Furthermore, through this new partnership, GF Piping Systems can proactively monitor sustainability risks, receiving timely alerts by the monitoring service. This will enhance the due diligence risk assessments as part of the new GF Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) process, aligning actions with international conventions, standards, and emerging legal regulations for increased transparency.


Ugo Venni, Head of Global Procurement at GF Piping Systems states: “We are pleased to have found such an innovative partner that uses the latest technology to monitor supplier sustainability compliance and collaborates with our suppliers to achieve ambitious sustainability targets throughout the supply chain.”


Prewave CEO Harald Nitschinger confirms “I am confident that by choosing Prewave to support in monitoring the supply chain, GF Piping Systems will be able to further automate its supplier due diligence process and drive even more value from its supplier base.”


To find out more about sustainability at GF Piping Systems, click here.

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


Sobre a GF FGS

Em fevereiro de 2021, a GF Piping Systems adquiriu a principal fabricante brasileira de tubos de polietileno de alta densidade, conexões e equipamentos complementares, FGS Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda (FGS), que passou a se chamar GF FGS. Com a força combinada de ambas as empresas, a GF FGS oferece uma gama completa e integrada de produtos e serviços para inúmeros segmentos de mercado no Brasil, reforçando ainda mais o compromisso da GF Piping Systems de crescer no país e na região da América Latina. A GF FGS oferece soluções e serviços para água, gás e aplicações industriais, fornecendo aos clientes produtos e tecnologias inovadoras e capacitando-os a atender todas as suas necessidades.

Como líder no fornecimento de soluções para o transporte seguro e sustentável de fluidos, a GF Piping Systems cria conexões para a vida (Connections for Life). A divisão é líder no setor de soluções de tubulação estanques para inúmeras e exigentes aplicações no mercado. Seu consistente foco no cliente e na inovação se reflete em sua presença global de vendas, serviços, fabricação e em seu portfólio premiado, incluindo conexões, válvulas, tubos, automação, pré-fabricação e tecnologias de união de tubulações.

A GF Piping Systems possui empresas de vendas próprias em 31 países, o que significa que está sempre ao lado de seus clientes. Unidades de produção em 36 regiões localidades na América, Europa e Ásia garantem disponibilidade suficiente e entrega rápida e confiável. Em 2022, a GF Piping Systems faturou CHF 2.160 milhões com 8.085 colaboradores. A GF Piping Systems é uma divisão da Georg Fischer AG, fundada em 1802 e sediada em Schaffhausen, Suíça.