GF Piping Systems India secures three LEED Certifications

04.05.23 - 08:00 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit)

The GF Piping Systems plant in Ratnagiri, India is the first industrial manufacturing site in the country to receive two Platinum and one Gold certifications from the US Green Building Council and Green Business Certification Inc. 

The LEED certification program is an internationally recognized rating system for healthy, efficient, carbon and cost-saving green buildings. Now, GF Piping Systems India has received certifications for a total of three buildings. The on-site customization building achieved Platinum Certification under the v4.1 Operations and Maintenance: Existing Buildings rating system with a total of 83 points, while the warehouse and main plant building also received Platinum and Gold Certifications respectively.


The certification process began in 2021, while the necessary measurement and monitoring equipment was registered and installed throughout 2022. This was followed by a period of rigorous auditing which resulted in the Gold Certification in March 2023 and the two Platinum Certifications in April 2023.


Shekhar Jagtap, Managing Director of GF Piping Systems India, is happy with the result: “Our Strategy 2025 stipulates that we reduce our CO2e emissions by 21% until 2025, and we have continually worked towards this goal. The LEED certifications prove to us and our customers that we are on track and successfully transforming the approach to industrial buildings.”


GF Piping Systems India is committed to enabling the safe and sustainable transport of water, gas, and chemicals. Previously, the company installed a solar energy system with 2239 modules on its production site and warehouse roof. The panels have a capacity of 750 KWp and reduce GF Piping Systems India's CO2 emissions by approximately 1000 tons per year.

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


Über GF Piping Systems
Als führende Anbieterin von Durchflusslösungen für den sicheren und nachhaltigen Transport von Gasen und Flüssigkeiten, schafft GF Piping Systems Verbindungen fürs Leben. Die Division ist spezialisiert auf branchenführende, leckagefreie Rohrleitungssysteme für verschiedene anspruchsvolle Marktsegmente. Ihr starker Fokus auf Kundenorientierung und Innovation spiegelt sich in der globalen Vertriebs-, Service- und Produktionspräsenz sowie im preisgekrönten Portfolio wider. Das Angebot umfasst Fittings, Ventile, Rohre, Automation, Fertigungs- und Verbindungstechnik. 

GF Piping Systems ist in 31 Ländern mit eigenen Verkaufsgesellschaften vertreten, um immer nah am Kunden zu sein. Produktionsstätten an 36 Standorten in Amerika, Europa und Asien gewährleisten ausreichende Verfügbarkeit und schnelle, verlässliche Lieferung. Im Jahr 2022 erwirtschaftete GF Piping Systems einen Umsatz von CHF 2'160 Mio. und beschäftigte 8'085 Mitarbeitende. GF Piping Systems ist eine Division der Georg Fischer AG, die 1802 gegründet wurde, und hat ihren Hauptsitz in Schaffhausen in der Schweiz.