GF Piping Systems and Xi'an Sunresin New Materials Co., Ltd. announce strategic cooperation for innovation in ion exchange adsorption technology

27.10.23 - 06:00 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit)

To foster innovation and drive advancements in the salt lake lithium extraction industry and beyond, GF Piping Systems, a leading flow solutions provider, strengthens its seven-year relationship with Xi'an Sunresin New Materials Co., Ltd. (Sunresin), an innovation-oriented high-tech enterprise that specializes in supplying Ion exchange resins, adsorption and separation resins,  complete systems, integrated overall solutions and relevant technical services, with a strategic cooperation partnership in China. 

GF Piping Systems and Sunresin are delighted to announce a strategic cooperation that combines Sunresin's expertise in ion exchange adsorption technology and GF Piping Systems extensive capabilities in piping systems and related solutions. With a shared commitment to innovation and mutual success, this cooperation aims to create new opportunities, streamline processes, and foster industry-wide advancements.


During the signing ceremony held on 21 September 2023, esteemed representatives from both organizations voiced their enthusiasm for this new venture. "This partnership represents an exciting step forward for our Strategy 2025 and our efforts to drive innovation and technological excellence," said Joost Geginat, President of GF Piping Systems. "Combining Sunresin's expertise in adsorption technology with GF Piping Systems China's technical prowess, we are confident that we can drive meaningful progress and positively impact the salt lake lithium extraction industry."


Sunresin's pioneering work in adsorption and separation technology has yielded remarkable advances, particularly in salt lake lithium extraction. Their expertise, coupled with GF Piping Systems comprehensive range of high-quality solutions, including UPVC and CPVC pipeline systems, automatic valves, and instrument products, positions this partnership as a force for innovation and progress.

Dr. Gao Yuejing, Chairman of Sunresin also expressed her excitement about the joint innovations and the promising prospects they offer. "By combining Sunresin's cutting-edge adsorption technology with GF Piping Systems unparalleled expertise in piping systems, we are poised to achieve remarkable success," she said. "This strategic cooperation will enable us to create a win-win situation for both companies, unleashing new potential in the industry and driving mutually beneficial advancements."



Über GF Piping Systems
Als führende Anbieterin von Durchflusslösungen für den sicheren und nachhaltigen Transport von Gasen und Flüssigkeiten, schafft GF Piping Systems Verbindungen fürs Leben. Die Division ist spezialisiert auf branchenführende, leckagefreie Rohrleitungssysteme für verschiedene anspruchsvolle Marktsegmente. Ihr starker Fokus auf Kundenorientierung und Innovation spiegelt sich in der globalen Vertriebs-, Service- und Produktionspräsenz sowie im preisgekrönten Portfolio wider. Das Angebot umfasst Fittings, Ventile, Rohre, Automation, Fertigungs- und Verbindungstechnik. 

GF Piping Systems ist in 31 Ländern mit eigenen Verkaufsgesellschaften vertreten, um immer nah am Kunden zu sein. Produktionsstätten an 36 Standorten in Amerika, Europa und Asien gewährleisten ausreichende Verfügbarkeit und schnelle, verlässliche Lieferung. Im Jahr 2022 erwirtschaftete GF Piping Systems einen Umsatz von CHF 2'160 Mio. und beschäftigte 8'085 Mitarbeitende. GF Piping Systems ist eine Division der Georg Fischer AG, die 1802 gegründet wurde, und hat ihren Hauptsitz in Schaffhausen in der Schweiz.